365. We all update our instruments

This is a reply I wrote to a colleague of ours, about questioning the students in an effective way. It has been published in the web-site of Pearson-Longman. Worth to call on this site! / Photo from www ekinsbuilder co uk . This truck c1925.

Hello Benson and everyone,

I'd tell you some hints, if any useful.

1. Talk about things of your students' real interest currently, don't talk about, say, fishing red crabs in swallow waters in areas close to the Antarctic. Get it?

2. Paraphrase what your student just said, just responded.

3. Listen, listen, listen, listen.

4. Look in his/her eyes. Eye-contact is of paramount importance.

5. Address each student and look in his/her eyes in the class.

6. Any answer might be acceptable: they are starting communication, and this is our goal of teachers of languages!

7. Pretend you don't understand your common language: at that class-time you "do not understand L1": it's a funny treat, believe me.

Oooops, I'm stopping here. This stuff is my specialty.

Fernando M Diez Gallego

Teacher of English. -Teacher trainer/coach

Granada (Spain)

Practical tips and materials on htt://fernandoexperiences.blogspot.com


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