385. We all are after good!

From http://www.englishteaching.org.uk/ , the website of British Council. About disruption in the classroom. Joris started the thread of opinions on this forum of teachers. He is not sure whether to swift from the nice guy to a stricter guy with his students, in a Japanese school. My reply is below, a few posts ago. Now you have clov1968’s comment. It also bangs, I guess, on what can likely go on in any of our clasrooms. Thank you, clov1968. Photo from the_incredibles-disneypicture net – Thank you.


Nice to strict.

Submitted on 24 June, 2010 - 12:08 New

I suggest you use the beginning of a semester as a new start. However, if the students are having a negative effect on the other students you should act now. I have found that when students are actting up in class there is usually some problem outside of the classroom. If your new approach fails you may have to investigate what is going on in the students' lives. This will necessitate talking to their parents.


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