658. Looking high

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “Everyone of us teachers need to have discernment. It’s a key word. Look.

Each of us gain discernment together with maturity and experience. Even veteran teachers continue to gain discernment all their career long. It’s not compatible with lukewarmness, with lack of enthusiasm or with the firm resolution to improve as a professional. Every day is different; you told me about this some days ago. Discernment hits the target. It’s not compatible with taking the same yellowish sheets of papers to the class, one year after another year. With passing time your work may not blaze as in the beginnings of your career, but your daily effort and fulfillment of your duties still continue teaching people and making people learn.

More and more you value every student as a learner who needs your hand. You can comprehend each student with the way each one is. This maturity enables you to face up problems and look high in the teaching/learning labor. And what is more, you better your educating your students as persons. All this is a universal value. Besides I personally have a trascendent view, if it helps you; you may think of it.” / Photo from: public-domain-photos com. Airplane taking off.


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