664. You, teacher, will see the fruit of your teaching
One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “On post # 660 I told you about the difference between the learning of rather old students (from some fifty to seventy-something) and the learning (even I’d say, acquiring) English by a kid of 8 years.
Now I simply would like to add that after thinking about this latter student’s case I realized that he in the classes listens and speaks in English directly, I mean, not by translating the heard and spoken messages into Spanish, his mother language.
From the way he used English in the class, both listening and speaking, I think I can assure he used English as something of his own, as something natural, as something acquired. He has been taking classes of English since he was a baby, at his school. One thing I should point out anyway: his communicating in English is at a very basic level, yet.” / Photo from: portalfruticola com. A farmer laboring in a field of wheat in Spain.