3447. Helping Low-Achiever Students
On last post I
told you about helping high-achiever students. Okay then, now I’m saying
something about helping low-achievers. I’ve found them. For example kids that
had somehow serious problems at studying, learning, paying attention… plus
their self-esteem might be low, so low.
Well, all the teacher team tried to
help those few students. Also through tutoring sessions plus interviewing their
parents. With frequency, more or less.
Well, something I used to do was to set
for them goals that tentatively they could reach. These kids needed attention
and affection.
As well their future could be manual jobs, not intellectual
ones. Not for that reason are those professions negative or low level ones. Those
jobs also are necessary in our society: aluminum carpenters or joiners for example.
The ideal thing would have been they could do the same activities as their
classmates, but, you know, in no way could they reach those goals, like the
ones their classmates were working on.
Summing up: affection, attention, assigning
them small jobs in the classroom, trying to avoid any kind of bullying –
fortunately those kids (very few ones) did not suffer that kind of violence –
tutoring sessions both with their parents and with them, special attention by
psychologists (good ones) and perhaps by some specialist teacher if possible;
helping them get the best from themselves. Let's keep thinking of further things. Have a nice day, readers. / Photo from: 2 Planoram