3448. Making Our Students Think Again!

It seems sound we teachers should have affection to our students. Some prudent affection. Also because we teachers seek educating them as thorough persons, capable to change the world into something better. 

We also seek truth. And we teach our students to seek truth. We teach truth, and we must do so. And when our students are studying, they are seeking truth. 

It is true that Mercury is the closest planet to our dear sun. And we teach so. Or that 2+2 make 4. Also we seek deeper and more profound truths upon our human nature: for example all men and women are equal. We are human beings. We are children of God. 

We help families educate their children. 

As well we love our students with benevolence love, as said on other posts. In that way we may teach, we may also here seek what is good for them as human persons. 

And we teachers may like to treat our students live in the classroom. And not only there, also at every place in the school: the cafeteria, the hallways, the corridors, the playground, the library, the sport fields, the labs, and so on and so forth. 

Thus the first point when going to the school to teach every day is to treat our students nice, for they should feel well at school. Have a nice weekend. / Photo from: Empower educational Consulting


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