261. Every person is unique
One day teacher A said to teacher B,
"In a school, someplace, some time, one student, within one class-group, high school age approximately, was treated bad by some of her teachers.
Truly she was very troublesome, disruptive, got bad grades.
She grew a big low self-esteem: she thought of herself as the worst among her sisters.
The black sheep.
She would not reach any high in studies, and perhaps in life.
I assume she was mistreated, some of her teachers did things wrong.
Bad thing, definitely.
She wasn't offered any..., say, any, any praise, any backup, or any positive help to get out of the hole.
The point: she did need one hand to get the best stuff out of her, to take small steps upward.
She thought of herself just like a silly person.
I precisely exaggerated the story, I went over the top.
But think how she could have improved herself - beside the study thing - if applied the treatment you have been formed on as a teacher."
Pic from www geekologie com.