519. What did I do you ask? Study a lot
One day teacher of English A said to teacher of Englsh B, “Present, explain the grammar point of the unit you are studying lately in the classes. Break down that grammar pattern, let them comprehend it, write down notes, examples, the pattern or structure of that verbal tense, study it at home. Our students expect and need this real presentation in the class. Make them listen to you. The grammar point you are pesenting must get clearly set in their minds, how? Understanding plus practice (drills and later something more naturalistic, albeit they will make mistakes).
One more thing: often at home it’s when the students have the most scope for interiorizing the grammar.” Eugenio M. O. M. wrote a comment. Thank you, Eugenio. His blog is on the right column of my blog. Read nore about his writing. In his comment he said he had studied in that very hall of the British Library, in 1996.
Photo of the British Library, below, post # 517.