631. Each stone in the right place

One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “Crosswords are simple to make on your own, on the board, with little preparation out of the classroom. It’s useful to revise the vocabulary you are learning in the classes and fun too. Very simple, look. You write a rather long word from up to down, vertically. You don’t need to draw the grid. You give a clue about one word of the unit, and you point at the horizontal line where that word has to be written, including the letter of the vertical word. It focuses their attention. If not too complicate, you can give a clue in English for a vertical word containing two letters of two horizontal words. Do this game in just a few minutes, so as to make them wishing to continue... but the game is up! It works.” / Photo from: eviajando com. This is Patio de los Leones, in Alhambra palaces, in Granada, where I live. When are you coming, if possible?


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