674. Is she a native teacher of English? I think yes
One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “If you’re a non-native teacher of English you should carry on learning this language; it’s a lifelong learning. It makes your teaching efficient, more likely; also because then you’re a learner yourself, and know what learning a language brings about.
For example you can read a novel, or a non-fiction essay, history, etc. It makes you learn new expressions and terms. Dedicate a few minutes every day, at a specific time, or whenever possible, when traveling by the subway,etc. Otherwise you can dedicate half hour a week: you know your circumstances better, of course.
Moreover you’ll feel satisfied when actually learning further expressions and idioms that you can use with your native colleagues. As well you have the capability to better remember new words more easily than your students. You’ll have fun too and less fear to plunge into talking in English all time with other teachers and students. You’ll gain new language to communicate, by using more nuances of the English language.
Don’t tell me you have no time: I know you enough.” / Photo from: Photo teacher writing on chalk board