694. Training as essential
One day teacher of English B said to teacher of English A, “I told you some suggestions to train a student to give a presentation in a small conference. It was on post # 691. Short ago I found out that it’d be also useful if I said to the learner not to start ‘now’ his speech, counting the minutes.
I sometimes began to talk with him about his issue, recalling something he had said in other sessions, asking him questions, paraphrasing what he’d said, letting him say further about one specific point. In this latter way of conducting he discovered brilliant points he hadn’t thought of previously, and now they came to mind. These points could be more relevant for the audience than some of the ones he had planned to say. So, it was like a more naturalistic way of talking about the issue, a complementary one.
It helped him think aloud about the topic. He could reach the actual-presentation day more trained. In other words, in these sessions I approached the issue like getting closer and closer. We had small laughs too. I let the student kind of flow his words, though there were some mistakes. One more thing: It was essential for me to get honestly concerned and interested in his issue.” / Photo from: Annie Last Mountain Bike Demonstration insidethegames biz