899. Relax and then see to it

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “Some teachers think their last class was a complete mess, a complete failure, and all the students were disruptive and all went awful. This may happen particularly the first days of the school.

I’d tell that teacher to try to think about all this mess later; now, let him do something else, like planning another class for other students – let him try and relax.

Within a couple of days or even the next day he can think about what really happened. That teacher will be more capable to specify problems, the people involved, the root of the problems. Misbehaving students’ bad stuff that awful day is usually less significant than what the teacher thought.

Now, after few days, the bad student’s response to a correction is going to be more positive, for sure. And talk to them one by one. And please listen with an honest interest.” / Photo from: drinking coffee at work. 65 percent of workers drink coffee in US


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