906. Can you study and understand that map?

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “The teacher has to teach contents, like history, so as to give an example. The teacher has to present specific points to his or her students. The teacher is like a (or should be), like a source of contents – and source of activitites.

What I wanted to tell you today is that also, and this is important, the teacher has to teach their students to learn.

As a result the students have to learn to learn: the student has to be active before a biology text, for instance, and so this student has to learn how to learn from that given text. It’s him that has to learn skills and techniques to focus on that text.

But, look, this is so important as well: here the teacher has to teach how to learn, how and what learning strategies the student could apply, leaving an ample field for the student to do whatever he thinks it’s good to learn, this is, an ample area for freedom and initiative.

In the case of English: the student has to apply, for example: listen and try to infer what somebody is saying, face the course book and understand what I have to do with this section and more specifically with this exercise, learn memory strategies (think of mental images of a new word, repetition, write new words into meaningful sentences...), learn to use a paraphrasis when I don’t know exactly certain word of the target language and I have got to say something, read a conversation and understand words or phrases (or more advancedly what the relationships among those speakers are). Plus a long etcetera.

In this blog I’ve said many learning strategies suggested by great H. D. Brown and great Rebecca Oxford, and there are labels like ‘learning strategies’, ‘strategies’, and 'autonomous leaners', where you can click and have a peek.

Learn to learn: that makes the difference.” / Photo from: montessoritraining blogspot com. girl studying map


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