2165. Is it good to tell a joke in classes?
Is it good to tell a
joke in a class?
You know, it depends.
In general, if the students are kids, I
think you should not tell any joke, BUT if the class is being carried out
properly, you can say something funny or a little joke, to break the ice and
have them participate more with their contributions.
Sometimes it’s even recommended:
you could have reprimanded so hard and there's too much tension in the class and you want to implement discipline and a
sound class management, it may be recommended to say something funny.
Anyway, in any case better be prudent and cautious: as we say in Spanish, you give them the edge of
the sleeve but they take all the sleeve (“les das la manga y te toman el brazo”).
Finally and so as to finish: if the students are adults and things are going
smooth, from time to time you can tell a small joke, and return to the lesson
again. / Photo from: snow-alhambra objetivo granada ideal es. again the photo is just illustration