580. Contemplate during your work

A reflective teaching develops individual and social competences of logical reasoning, pondered judgments, and open-minded and receptive attitudes. These all sentiments are seen in the mirror of everyday experiences and mental flexibility, which are necessary premises to consider an individual as capable to master his or her innermost roots of thought, and capable to control his or her innerhood.

I think this may be an appropriate insight of a good teacher of English. I have translated the quotation from Spanish, intending to make the text as clear as possible.

The text is in Pérez Ferra (2005) “Documentos de clase doctoral: Los nuevos significados del cambio educacional” Mendoza: Argentina.

And I owe the quotation of the text to Porcal, María Luisa, “Proyecto de Mejoramiento Educativo: Experiencia de Innovación Didáctica Pedagógica en la UNCUYO que conlleva a los alumnos mejorar [sic] su rendimiento académico y al grupo docente a reflexionar sobre la propia práctica”,

published in the journal of education Guadalbullón, #13 (2006) Universidad de Jaén (Spain).

Ms. Porcal has a post at Universidad Nacional de Uncuyo, within Facultad de Educación elemental y especial de Mendoza-Argentina.

/ Photo from: www wanakaart co nz. Autumn in the Bay.


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