587. Self-discipline

One day teacher of English A said to teacher of English B, “It’s not true, say, that rather old people can’t learn English. I said, many posts underneath, that they have strategies to learn which a child doesn’t have – well, strategies and aptitudes are diverse. Adult learners can organize their work, be more aware of their process of learning, have a self-evaluating abilty, a more systematic way of learning, perseverance, self-control and autonomy, can generally be more open to what the teacher proposes in order to learn.

What about memory? I do know they are losing memory capacity, like they often say, but their memory is suitable to train, to enhance by training and practicing. Usually they are quite motivated; they have a clear aim in mind; they apply their profession skills to learning. Check out about ‘necessity’ on post # 461.”

/ Photo from: visitingdc com. buckingham-palace-picture-3


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