1796. Femininity

Fortunately female teachers have some traits that are peculiar to women. 

The way they view problems, challenges, hardships, is different from male teachers. 

The first ones have more intuition about the consequences of resolutions taken, they view little things that are important in education, like a classroom ornamentation, and other so positive things. 

They are capable of taking care of little things, like tidiness in classrooms (also most of men); capable of giving a feminine touch to things, materially and more “abstract” things, like for example finding out students’ mood. 

The solutions they give to a problem that arises in the education of kids or in an ample view of things and settings are something to take into account. 

Anyway, I cannot write well in a woman’s shoes – I write from a man’s vision. 

By no means do I try to say they’re better than men; just they’re different and complementary. As well us men can have the same traits as them in many of those fields I wrote about. Oh, I forgot to say that they have tenderness, typically . / Photo from: woman and laptop. cbc ca


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