749. He knows strategies to win
I’ve sometimes quoted from brilliant expert H. D. Brown. Today I offer you some (hopefully) useful points for your teaching English and for your students.
They are taken from this author, (1989) A Practical Guide to Language Learning. A Fifteen-Week Program of Strategies for Success. New York: McGraw-Hill. I’d say the methodology he proposes for learners is helpful and encouraging. You can consider each of the points:
1. It sets a general “tone” with which you can approach the language you’re learning.
2. It describes how successful language learners are able to develop effective combination of emotional, intellectual, and physical abilities.
3. It helps you to believe in yourself and to take charge of your own learning above and beyond your classroom activities.
4. It helps you to understand yourself as a language learner and to discover your own unique strategies for success.
5. It gives you helpful ideas for working cooperatively with your teacher and with your classmates, all of whom are members of a team. (page 2).
I included this quotation in a paper that a journal of Universidad de Jaén published in 2006 (Journal: Guadalbullón). More quotations if you type this scholar’s name in Search/ Photo from: paddling about com. Scott Parsons 2008 Olympics