1414. About men and women

Teacher B said to teacher A, “It is obvious that men are different from women. 

Both their presence at school are complementary. 

It’s like in a family. 

It isn’t the same way when a male teacher reprimands and when a female teacher does the same action, reprimanding and scolding. 

I personally prefer classes where the students are boys all of them. Furthermore because English is probably the school subject where there are more differences among the students. 

If I included girls there would be more problems of level of English and about the rhythm of learning. 

I teach single-sex education and I have problems of abilities among the students. For example a new student has arrived this year from another school which is not bilingual. I’m trying to help him to avoid he be left behind. Allies for that problem? Their very classmates: one kid feels happy because he helps a classmate. 

Concerning single-sex education? I prefer it, but it is one more option: some parents and teachers prefer otherwise in the classroom, there be both boys and girls.” / Photo from: young-people-drinking-tea   nissinfoods in


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