1600. Teachers and parents before the children

Above all Western society needs values, is looking for values. 

In this blog I have written in my opinion that we could teach values to our students. 

But first at home. 

Or by means of small tasks in the classroom and school. 

However the teacher is the first person that has to gain values and virtues. He influences on his students even in his private life. 

Some values and virtues: joy, solidarity, charity and love, environmental friendship, hard-working, generosity, thinking of others, hard-working, audacity, sincerity, chastity, justice, friendship, humility, obedience, optimism, prayer, holy purity, happiness, penance, poverty and detachment, etc. 

Many people look for exoteric things and religions, and we have a God that loves us as all the moms and dads all over the world together. Europe’s roots are Christian above all, also Roman and Grecian. / Photo from: foto active listening www basic-counseling-skills com


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