1774. How to Make Up a Final Exam: Some Tips

Currently, these days, our students are going to do their final exam perhaps. How to prepare it and study it!? 

The student can program the days making them coincide with such or such unit, or units. 

He should also make himself strong in the parts of the exam that go well with him, and as well revise the parts where he feels weaker. 

He could also think about what the teacher likes more in an exam and think too on previous tests. 

The exam might have Listening, Reading and Writing, and Use of English alike. Speaking is a very necessary language skill but you may lean on the course tracking each student. 

The final grade for a student can be according to the work carried out each day – we keep some remembrance and grades. 

On top of that the exam ought to be practical for the teacher to grade it and for students as well: for instance practical because it will not take you too much time to read it. Ten activities can be enough. The contents are up to you and your way of grading the whole academic year. / Photo from: andreselbarbero blogspot com


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