1716. Why are adolescents this way?

Why adolescence is so difficult an age to teach? 

First let’s not exaggerate. All of us teachers have passed through it, and here we are. 

Adolescents are in a period of crisis, which means a change. 

The adolescent discovers him or herself and their changes: they are not children any longer. 

Their body is changing and boys appear as typically disjointed. 

They experience a change in mind too. They wish to be themselves and do not like adults’ rules or authority. 

Some attitudes like just speaking up and shouting, or showing off, or the way they dress are signals of that change: they want to be authentic and often they want to change the world. 

The adolescent creates an inner life, which often is not told to the parents; it is something so personal. They confide and trust in their gang. Now more than in adults. 

It is the period of the discovery of love. They loved before but now love is essentially different. 

In boys the trend of love toward their peer girl classmates is rather one of sexuality (not only), whereas in girls’ case love is seen as a relationship whose root is deep inside – they feel an attraction toward boys what is more personal: they love people, persons, boys, with all their personality and not mere sexuality. 

It is a period of time when we adults can help and assist them a lot – actually they still need adults’ presence and advice, though at the same time they tend to discard adults and their authority. 

Despite the fact that some people accentuate sexual aspects – which are so important anyway – tentatively adolescents have other interests as well, like for instance they decide what degree and professional career will be theirs. 

It is a period when these youngsters are capable of an entire donation to a cause or to a person or people. I didn’t try to give an exhaustive and thorough article: just some strokes we teachers and parents and families notice then at this period. / Photo from: tiananmen square. maryloudriedger2 wordpress com


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