167. Playing like a fist

The teacher coach told Shean, "Yah, you're right. Companionship and friendship are essential, not just something tangential.
Quite often, when I taught that small group, in a rather informal class-periods, one or another kid started on someone else, and teased him, or small insulted him.
I stopped the class.
Expecting they realize the wrong. I think nevertheless this point should be dealt with, longer, in the individual tutorials.
We taught... we tried the kids learn how to treat a friend. Going to the root... Well, first premise: being polite with one another is ok, but ultimately the root is in charity, love. Remember the First Commandment. The point is there.
Otherwise, you teacher, up and leave. I mean regarding this matter of relationship."
You know who, the players, are? First to be said, it's Boston Celtics vs Chicago Bulls, a popular game between them. Albeit one more encounter is new and different: you hope your team beat it. (NB: game = match). Thank you, zimbo com .


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