181. I see you are so communicative!

On this entry I post some stuff from my book on TEFL. Picture from yohandry wordpress com . This entry was outfitted on Sunday, October 18, 2009, but published Nonday.

Apéndice 1
Este examen lo he inventado para la parte de apéndices: no lo he puesto a ningún grupo concreto de alumnos. Aunque sí se parece a otros reales. Se trata de que veas un ejemplo de test con preguntas prácticas, teniendo en cuenta que la L2 que aprenden los chicos es precisamente para comunicarse entre personas, también en un examen.

Unit 5 test


November 15, 2008

1st Evaluation

Read through the questions before answering. As always you can answer on a separate sheet.
1. Which planet of our solar system is blistering hot, and why.
2. What does the name UFO stand for?
3. How would you say in English: Todos los planetas de nuestro sistema solar orbitan (dan vueltas, describen órbitas) alrededor del sol. Plutón también, pero se lo considera sólo como un planetoide.
4. What’s your mom doing right now? Why do you think so?
5. The same about your dad.
6. Listen to the teacher’s reading about one of the planets, and answer the following questions. Read the questions before listening.

a- What is the planet?

b- What’s its position or ordinal number in relation to the sun?

c- How many earths might it fit inside?

d- Is its surface like the one of the earth, on which you can walk on normally? If not, what is its surface like?

e- What do scientists think its center might have?

f- Is the pressure on that planet very strong?

7. Name the planets in the correct order from he sun.

8. What planet would you like to go to? Why?

9. Write about an exciting experience you have had. (Minimum 50 words—2 points)


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