176. Empathy?

The teacher trainer told veteran teacher Shean,
"Yesterday I had a class with some students with a low level of English.
Even one of them had showed cognitive problems lately.
I was worried the class-period would not turn out well.
However, when one student said a correct answer or reply, I gently praised him; tired I felt though, and this fact made me feel better.
Also, for my surprise, the student with cognitive flaws got into the center of the target, and I also praised him, with a smile and some words of comfort.
Anyway, what I mean is that the result of the class-period had worked better than my previous expectations.
Why better?
Because of affection and considering the students as better as I had foreseen.
And the students themselves got out of the classroom a bit more satisfied."

Soy Iñigo Montoya, tú mataste a mi padre, prepárate a morir. From The Princess Bride movie. Thanks to nationallampoon com .


"Mi name is Íñigo de Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!" Memorable cita.
Me gusta la foto: eres tú mismo.

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