169. What is the indispensable to learn a language?

Veteran old Shean listened to what the teacher coach told him, "Repetition and practice.
Repetition and practice.
If you wish to learn a language, you have to revise the new words you have read when doing that exercise. Retain one new word at least.
In 1,000,000 years you will have learned 1,000,000 new words ;-)
Make a mental photograph of it.
Two days, on another day, three weeks later...
And practice.
It has to do with repetition and revision.
Use the word into a sentence, writing the sentence, or saying it mentally.
Use it, use it.
Put the word into your conversations.
If you are the teacher and have learned a new word, you may use it at the class-period, with your students.
One day a student told me that he was satisfied, because those two months he had learned new words.
I got joyful.
I did not expect this satisfying point for the kid and also for myself."
Have a peek at the picture. Each kid has a different mood or expression: thank you, www krestakingphotography com flicker com


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