172. Close to one another
The teacher coach said to one other teacher,
“ I do know you are prudent and cautious.
So far, I told you many tips and techniques for your classes, ok.
My experience and research, which I have explained to you, is with single-sex schools.
It is essential that the individual tutorials be one male student with a male teacher, and the same in the case of females.
This is my advice.
As well, class-periods are very communicative, friendly btween you and your students, and among the students, you all make up a fist when working together.
Some years ago, I taught a class-group of adult learners.
Some of them were married, I mean, one spouse of the marriage couple was a student in my classes. And I could see growing very close relationships among them in the classroom. They were so close to one another.
I got a bit worried. Well, nothing bad necessarily could arouse in their relationships, but, like I told you, I got a bit concerned about these relationships and spending too many hours close together, with one another, even more when the marriage couple were home. Could this end into something against his wife, or her husband? The relationship in the classroom grew intense, close, so friendly, they shared with personal sentiments...
When you, a male teacher, make a tutorial with a male adult learner, or a younger one, you will also speak about intimate things, and feelings, and emotions. Be prudent: now think of the worst possible point. You make a tutorial with a girl, with this intimate way I just told you...
No way, man!
I would not speak with a beautiful girl about my interior, or her interior.
I think, on the other hand, to remember that some years ago one male teacher, no tutorial system established in the school, met a female student, and eventually they got married. There was not much difference in age between them. So, this last thing made ultimately a positive and clean relationship.”
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