3427. Some Ideas before a New School Year
So we’re before a
new school year, right? Let’s enjoy it. Yes, you’ve read correctly.
Let’s not
think I’m going to have four more classes taught, and after that I’ll enjoy
some free time.
Let’s enjoy to teach. Because we treat human people, and so we
can expect a lot from them.
Let’s interact with those people, our students. Plus
their parents plus our colleagues. We treat people. Don’t forget it.
In the
classroom and in the rest of the school we make people act, work, give some
reply, participate. And all that’s great. Simply great, isn’t it?
A class, a
lesson is something of two: the teacher and the students.
Let’s enjoy treating
people, in the classroom and along the school corridors and halls. That treating
people enriches us teachers and our students.
Well, plus their parents and the
rest of the school personnel.
Let’s not be too perfectionist, if the case. Let’s
learn how to enjoy. The point is loving. Loving our students, their families
and all the rest of the school staff. With love of benevolence, whose etymology
means: to wish and seek what’s good for the other person.
Let’s have this ideal
for the beginning school year. / Photo from: Lilian-Naserian-profesora-secundaria-literatura