3430. How Good Are You as a Teacher?

I’ve told you that we have to love our students with love of benevolence. Which means that we seek what’s good for those people we love. Also we love their parents and families. Plus our fellow teachers and all the school staff. 

Because of that we strive to teach with high standards of professionalism. 

Most of you do so. You do your best. You do even what’s farther than what you are asked to do. Most of you do so and I admire you. 

You seek what’s better for the people you treat every day. And therefore you teach and carry out other tasks with creativity. 

Most of you do have creativity. You set yourselves to solve problems and improve your daily work. 

Creativity, what’s creativity? Well, you as human beings, who can reason, set to offer your best, and don’t confine to a mere teaching but seek for your students to be happy: you offer your best, you plan your lessons, you look for and search for suitable material, you try hard for your students to learn easily what you have been searching maybe for years. 

You try to make easy what you have invested to learn perhaps for years. Thank you and have a nice day. / Photo from: Formula 1-1967-Nurburgring Silodrome. Before F1 cars had wings they flew somewhat. Around 1969 people started to set wings to those cars to be able to run stuck to the road. Thus they became safer. 


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