83. Who can teach me how to teach?
Joe told me,
"H. D. Brown was one of the first authors that gave me so brilliant ideas about teaching/learning." ----The author of this blog wrote a paper about Brown's brilliant findings.
You can see this scholar's methodology on: DÍEZ GALLEGO, Fernando (2006) "Una metodología que lleva al éxito en el aprendizaje de lenguas: Comentarios en torno a BROWN, H. D. (1989) A Practical Guide to Language Learning. A Fifteen-Week program of Strategies for Success. New York: McGraw-Hill.
This article was published in a journal on educative and teaching research, of Universidad de Jaén (Spain).
The name of the journal is Guadalbullón. Issue # 13.
The picture is the famous Anatomy Lesson, by Rembrandt.