75. What should the teacher be like?

Joe told me,

"Bear in mind that a good rapport and authentic humane relationship with your students is paramount.

The word for this point is love, charity, to wish the good for the other person.

Pepe told me about his own experience, when at the institute, in Spain.

He then used to have a teacher who really took a real concern about his students. So this teacher came to the classroom, with enough leeway between classes, and not just to teach 'Religión' (Catholic doctrine), or whatever subject, yet to hold a genuine interest for his students.

Pepe, with the passing years, had a positive remembrance about this teacher, Don Miguel, a priest.

One day this teacher said to Pepe that he looked tired or sad, while holding his head on one hand, as in a worn-out-day way. Pepe then, aged 14, said something silly, like, just like his head at that moment was heavy to him - he looked mad (upset, angry). When an adult himself, Pepe was so grateful to whom had been this kind of a teacher like, so concerned with each student of his. There were some many other nice gestures - This teacher was appreciated and liked."

A scene of so funny The Pincess Bride (1987), a parody of the genre of wandering knights novels, the ones loathed and ridiculized by Cervantes in Don Quijote. I'm not an ace at movies, and I might be wrong, but insamuch as I know, the actors and the actress have not been appreciated and famous as they would deserve. Thanks for the picture to opiniones terra es.


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