68. Just fun with reading
Joe told me,
"One good experience I have, with my students, is - I used to do it in Jaen, and turned out to be cool.
Once a month, or twice, I just brought to the classroom, with the help of one of my dear students, a pile of readers, simplified books, unabridged books... I handed out these books, by circulating amidst the rows of desks, according to the level of English each student had.
They loved this reading session! And the rest of the class time they just read! The books were significant and amusing for them.
When some student finished one short reader, he came to me and I gave him another one.
There was a silent and concentrated ambience, right. Perhaps one student gave me back his book when yet unfinished - anyways the activity was worth to implement it in the class. For example, they gained vocabulary, necessary to better participate in further games or contributions of any kind to later on classes. Have a go."
Two kids in the camp of El Chaparral, Parque Nacional de Cazorla, province of Jaen, southern Spain, a marvelous place.