86. Do I have to say all in the target language?

One teacher told me,

"You can recall what I told you about speaking in English from the first day, from the first announcements about the program -or syllabus-. Although your students may be beginners.

Let them hear, listen to speaking in English. Let them acquaint with the texture of the language.

This has to do with the silent period Krashen wrote about.

Furthermore try to make them understand something of your speech, by doing mimicry, giving examples, drawing on the black or digital board, repeating, writing the key words -maybe cognate words of their native language.

And get yourself close to them emotionally: you wish them to learn/acquire English, and they notice and appreciate this interest."

Me teaching a small group, smaller than the usual ones. Two or three summers ago, in Málaga. -Just one more thing: all the chairs should be down on the floor.


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