64. Your authority is moral, firstly

Joe just told us,
"About discipline. Yes, I reckon this is a concern of you, teachers.
The best discipline is self-discipline. You'll get it in your students by treating them fine, as persons that do not allow to be treated by looking them down, even more, when with his friends in the classroom.
As well they do not stand being treated like little children. Moreover they expect from you a lot: To be calm and serene, telling them that that little dinky trifle of misbehavior, like a low chirp done by someone, is not correct, not respectful to you, to his classmates, and to himself.
Scotch any disruption at the beginning of the academic year. Do not take any guff by them.
Your authority must be moral, first of all.
You attend your dayly work, with them, and you do not permit someone might hurt your professional work.
But do not lose your temper.
Have a go with this view of things."
Two bandplayer girls going to join their bandmates, maybe for a procesión of Semana Santa, in Cádiar, a small town of the province of Granada.


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