63. The learner who had success in acquiring English
Joe told us yersterday,
"And stick to this idea: You, as a teacher, have to make Cristina interested herself in learning English or Thai or French.
So, try to get her eagerly interested, thus, autonomous, involved in an amusing activity, a necessary one for life; create that need in the classroom as well. She has to learn such and such set of words to intervene in the class, beside the fact that she is going to be interviewed in English at the Selectividad examination, prior her entrance at the college.
Moreover she will need English for her professional career.
Otherwise she will not be hired in the majority of jobs.
But now, in this coming academic year, create the necessity in the class, create an ambience where English is the natural way of conducting themselves, and no native language is permitted, or 'understood'."
Toro de Osborne, común en las carreteras españolas. Thanks to flickr com