108. i c u r m t
I apologize.
I do it because of the errors and mistakes I make whenever composing this blog.
Our students also make errors, and as you know this means... they are learning!
Think of spelling mistakes for example.
Here, the point is: transmit to your students the importance of taking care over spelling and grammar.
Among other reasons, because it signifies a neat mind, neat habits, caring over the language itself, richness of thought (think of a wide range of vocabulary), and last but not least, for respect to the person who reads the text.
Ok, English is on evolution, as any other language is, and because of that it changes.
However, this should not entail impoverishing the language, impoverishing thought, human thought, students' thought.
The sequence of letters above comes from an advertisement I was taught about when I was studying philology of English.
It means "I see you are empty", the hidden and later discovered message of the ad.
It's a brand of an Irish brewery, I think.
On the picture, "El toro de Osborne" (costamedi com).
You may have seen it in soccer championships or matches.