118. This class today was a failure!

Shean, the veteran teacher, used to think he needed a continuous formation.
One day the teaching trainer spoke with him, because the veteran had had a terrible day of classes, and wanted to have a word with the trainer.
"Don't think about the classes of today.
Don't think today.
Tomorrow, when more calm [sic], you'll be able to be more objective.
Then, you can think of the problem going into the very few real problems.
And then you can think of suitable remedies and ways of correcting your students' bad behavior.
Try and help them;
they do better if gently corrected.
Gently but firm, same time.
Talk with those two students, one by one, and make him find out what wrong and ask him how to ammend himself, put him before his, his, his responsibility."
Sir John Laws School, in UK. You don't need me tell you who is talking with these kids...


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