142. Excellence, that hits pay dirt!
It hits pay dirt, said the teaching coach, meaning that a teacher, and a learner, must aspire high, so high, so high: the teacher with his or her teaching, the learner with his or her learning a language.
Otherwise, up and go.
Something that has to do with this: In Spain, they unfortunately have big rates of "fracaso escolar" (study failure, decay, the opposite to excellence).
I'll tell you next post furtherly about how to get excellence, at learning English.
Pic from lhy ggpht com . It shows a futuristic and idealistic world. It is not just cartoons:
it shows also the human trend to reach happiness. Inventions, imagination, technology are at the service of humankind.
Creatures, the created world is good, for it was created by our Father.
God told man to work in the earth, in order to serve and glorify Him, to serve people, to make himself better.