120. Each student is a unique person

Shean, the veteran teacher, wanted to hear from a younger teaching trainer,
"Each student is unique.
Each student is a child of God.
Treat him, or her, tactfully.
Listen to what he has to say.
What he wants to say.
To tell you.
He wants to be listened to.
Do not disregard any person.
On top of his likely misbehavior, he expects some way to have comprehension from you.
Do not humillate him.
Less when with his friends in the classroom.
Do not quarrel.
Make him get aware of his responsiblities.
Of his dignity as a person.
His uniqueness.
Show your aprobation when he hits right to a prompt from you in the class-period.
Be patient. Let him find the correct grammatical response to something demanded from you in the classroom.
Treat him as he is.
Expect a lot from every student."
Thanks to asterixobelixvsroma blogspot com


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