141. Putting the teacher to the test

The teaching coach told old Shean,
"I can tell you about a game one teacher did one day, and the game turned out good.
The class, as a group, plus the teacher, have been lately working on the names of the States.
Well, the teacher, had a sudden light: You, kids, ask me to say the names of the States I can remember.
The teacher was not American but Spanish.
The mood and the mode was game-like, so as stirring the students a little.
So the teacher started to name the States, starting from New England, whilst he was acting as if he were making a big effort - actually he was making the effort:
New York,
Virginia and West Virginia.
Right, ok, 'twas fun.
And more importantly, the kids took a more protagonist-like mood.
Try yourself."
Two students of Eton College, archivist f2s com
I myself forgot New Jersey; so here it is. The teacher's name was Antonio (for example).


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