148. Outfitting a résumé

The teaching coach told veteran Shean,
"You asked me for a high-level game.
Making up a résumé,
a CV, in other words.
The teacher has to think of the possible points the student should name on his or her résumé.
Elicit from your students what they think they should include on it.
Basically I'd say three points.
This is a game that prepares them for their future.
Basically there should be three points:
professional experience,
and hobbies and interests.
The résumés should include what the candidate expects the company is going to have a special interest in.
A second step could be coming to the front part of the classroom and present her résumé.
Three adults will present their résumé.
Then, the rest of the class-group will say pros and cons about each one, perhaps with the help of questions by the teacher."
On the photo Louise Moncrieff. Thanks to www hwsa org usa .


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