1335. Teenagers like adventures

Teacher A said to teacher B, “Every kid, until the adolescence, wants to learn new things. It’s the time for example to have them read graded readers. 

When he’s older, in boys’ case when he can be 12, 13 years or older, it seems he doesn’t want to learn, but human beings want always to learn. 

At individual tutoring sessions you can try to make him think about reading; it’s a time when youngsters may want to learn and read if he’s led and aided properly. 

He wants to enjoy, and at those sessions you can make him focus on reading; talk about readers, books, the last book he read some time ago; types of books, movies, adventures; they do like adventures, and you can try to offer them to him; lend him a book from the department, The Lord of the Rings for example.” / Photo from: www westgate lancsngif ac uk


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