1392. A continuation of the rascal's story: a new message

This is a continuation of post # 1390. 

Thus, when we have awful classes – this may happen to anyone - , on the next day you should specify which students committed the outrageous occurrence: probably they are fewer than what you had thought. 

Now, if it is possible – you ought to do it albeit it may be disgusting or you are short of time – talk with each kid, individually and briefly: you can ask him what the wrong thing was (make him think and say what happened, on his own). 

Often he will recognize the bad action or whatever it was; leave an exit way to him instead of you getting cross; have him recognize what the clever thing ought to be: you know, the reprimanding and scolding should be educative: the kid may repent from the outrageous action or whatever, or at least he gets warned for future. 

Well, this obviously is a suggestion (that has worked sometimes). / Photo from: www old-picture com


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