1377. Learning within a nice atmosphere of fortitude
Teacher B said to
teacher A, “She tries to educate her students in their will, within an
atmosphere of fortitude. She cuts off any sign of selfishness and egoism among
her students [So far on this post the ideas are taken from Julio Gallego Codes].
She proposes a list of small jobs at the beginning of the academic year. She
then reads out the list in the classroom and the volunteer or volunteers raise
their hand.
The small jobs are like: erase the chalkboard at the end of the
class, ‘foreign affairs’ (go someplace in the school to say a message to some
teacher), take care of the bulletin board, remind of setting the desks into
straight rows, go to get more chalk, three representatives of the class, turn
off lights at the end of the class, water the plants, open the windows to air
the room…” / Photo from: cobbcast cobbk12 org