3259. Sense of Humor Plus Love of Benevolence
I can see all of
you teachers try to do things well. I know so because you view other teachers’
blogs and stuff. For example TeacherLingo.
If you try to do things okay, sooner
or a bit later you will gain some nice prestige. And that prestige will lead
you to good consideration both by your directors and your students. Also by
their families.
One important point when treating other people is sense of
humor, sense of humor plus elegance. I’ve seen it in other teachers: they had
success because they treated their students with love, with love of
benevolence, which means to wish what’s good for our students.
sometimes you’ll have to be like a sergeant, the core point is anyway treating
those kids politely and respectfully. Always by treating them as intelligent beings
and persons that deserve all our respect anyway. / Photo from: police-dogs
WonderList. I tried to post a picture that showed a police officer with
elegance and smiling. And the dog is okay too anyway.