2824. Learning Funny Idioms!

We English language teachers can raise our students’ curiosity about how we say some common Spanish phrases in English.
For example “How do we say such and such expression in English?” And you may think of phrases like “¿¡De verdad!? ¿Lo dices en serio? Despedir del trabajo. ¡Me pones de los nervios! No me extraña. ¡Por supuesto! ¡Ánimo! ¡Sírvete tú misma!”
I’ve worked out on this issue with my senior students and has turned out nice: they were curious about how we say certain things in English.
If any of you are interested in learning some common phrases in English (or in Spanish), let me know, and I will post 2 worksheets!
Anyway I can give you the previous idioms as a tip right away: “Really? Are you serious? To get fired. You’re driving me crazy! No wonder! Sure! Cheer up! Help yourself!”/ Photo from: www bikeroar com. the pic is just an illustration


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