2695. Their Job as Students Now Trains Them for Life
Some posts before I
said teens are capable of great ideals, right?
Now I would like to add that we
teachers and parents should help them focus those desires of changing the world
into carrying out their studies and learning at the classroom.
That’s their job
or profession now: attend classes and learn at school, and at home or at
libraries invest the enough time to digest what they have been explained at
school by us their teachers plus the specific texts we have worked on at the
classroom. With a more peaceful mood and pace.
In that way too within years
they’ll be capable to face up with daily stuff, with lives as professionals. A kid
that studies now will be capable to afford many daily problems. A good student
now: more likely he will be an upright and honest person. This is from my
experience with the young. / Photo from: magoosh