3297. The Remedy of Redemies
I would like to
add something nice to the previous post. If you’ve aborted, all has its remedy
and I believe in that, I said.
Your child now is in God’s hands and in his
mercy. And you can get, achieve and accomplish a nice remedy.
Even you can
forgive yourself and find peace again. I believe in that. Repentance is great.
we Christians have the sacrament of forgiveness, which is confession. All has
its remedy. Have a nice weekend again! Trust and confide in your loving father
God. He has all the love of all moms and dads in the world together. Even more
than that. Go in peace, fellow.
Oh, also you can count on prayer: God does wish
to hear you and listen to you. / Photo from: American Kitefliers Association. The picture is
just an illustration, only that.