3216. Staying Easy before Exams!
A second or foreign
language teacher can become mad as a hatter regarding getting communication in
that language in the classroom, but let’s consider that we’re referring to
communication among people, among persons.
We have to take care of that
communication: we have to treat people in a nice way, in a human and humane
way: our communication must have human nicety.
For that language teacher it is
paramount to create communication in the classroom, but he should consider that
he’s creating communication for real people.
For example beside drills and
other exercises he should communicate in English – the target language – for the
actual conducting and leading the lesson. In other words he should give announcements
in that language. For his students to understand him he should explain with
rather massive language, until he considers his students understood him well.
example if I was to implement exams or tests next school year I should explain
it clearly to my dear students. In case I had the purpose of introducing exams I
should set clear that those tests would be for me to learn about their progress
and not much else, and also for them my students to also learn how they’re
advancing and progressing.
You may remember I have senior students, and all of
them deserve very positive grades, because of their perseverance, their
attending the lessons and all the effort they invest in a pleasant and free way.
About those exams or tests I don’t know yet if I’m going to apply them or not. In
any case it should be for their beneficial learning: they should stay easy because
those tests will not infer they’ll have to do much more than they have been
doing this far. Those exams will not be traumatic at all. / Photo from: hang-gliding-in-sikkim1
Trekking in Sikkin. The picture is a nice illustration.