3219. Are You a Great Teacher?

Uniqueness, I told you about it on last post: every student is unique, and that’s okay. Every teacher is unique too. Is that so?
And you, for certain, have much to give to your students, even now, if you’re in the summer break. Take care of you, teacher. And try and be honest, honorable and upright, because we teachers give our dear students whatever we are. We transmit what we are, ultimately. Even from our private lives.
Whatever we do, whatever we don’t, is transmitted to our dear students. And we cannot give what we don’t have. If we want our students to be honest, honorable and upright, we have to go overhead. Do you say “overhead”, because I mean we teachers have to lead our students’ way by going before them, and by setting nice examples. Maybe the right word is “ahead”.
Sometimes we teachers may be tired and hectic: let’s be careful because at those times we could give a snap and bad answer to one of our students, or to all the class of students, and we might regret it after that, after the storm.
We have to know ourselves, and learn how to have a small laugh at ourselves. Psychiatrists say it means you’re okay if you know how to laugh at yourself, in a nice and delicate way, not a harsh one, of course.
Now in the summer dedicate to God, to your family, to friends, to pleasantly thinking of your students, to reading, to have a beer maybe with other teachers or friends, maybe to swimming or any sport, to strolling, to traveling or trekking, to making yourself a nice and efficient teacher by reading any fine book about teachers or education… / Photo from: 13-things-your-pilot-wont-tell-you-airplane


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